Probably the most valuable object we can carry on our day to day is Smartphone. Not only for the money it costs, but for the data and information that, in most cases, we have stored in your memory.That is why many decide to protect their terminals, not only physically with a case or screen protector, but also installing applications to keep calm after a possible theft or loss of the device.And if you do not have one of these useful tools installed on your device, today we bring you 4 options that you can download right now, so that in a possible situation of this type, the experience is much less traumatic.

Prey Anti Robos

We started with probably one of the less known applications of this type. Prey Anti Robos is a relatively recent application, which allows us to keep up to 3 devices safe once we have registered on the platform. In addition, there are different plans that will offer more possibilities after the payment of a fee.The application itself offers us the possibility of finding our lost or stolen smartphone by geolocation, receive images about the possible thief, and even lock the device and delete all stored data. In case you do not want to reach this point, and make a somewhat less extreme measure, we will have the ability to send an alert message to the device.The application is free, and is available on both Android and iOS, so in case of having devices from different platforms, we will be able to keep them safe without major problem.


Amaken is a much simpler option than the previous application, but it fulfills its function in an outstanding way. In this case, the location of the device will be made by the telephone number.In order to find the device, it will be necessary to use another terminal in which to install Amaken in order to enter the phone number of the smartphone in question, this way the application will start the tracking and provide us with the exact location of our terminal.As in the previous case, this is a free application - although with advertising - compatible with Android and iOS devices.


More than an application to find a lost device, Lookout is a complete security center that we can install on our smartphone. Among its characteristics, besides the possibility of keeping us safe from possible viruses or attacks against our privacy, offers the possibility of locating our lost or stolen mobile.Lookout allows us to locate the terminal in two different ways: the first, through geolocation, where we will be provided the exact location, or sounding an alarm that can be very useful in some situations.As I mentioned, Lookout is one of the most comprehensive security applications available today, and maintaining this high security level comes at a price. Specifically, they are more than 2 euros which we will have to pay monthly to enjoy this service, although we have the opportunity to try the application for free for 14 days.


To finish this compilation, we can not forget Cerberus, one of the most popular tools available exclusively on Android to keep our device safe.At this point there is not much to comment on Cerberus; This is a very simple but extremely useful application that will allow us to track the location of the device, block it, activate an alarm or erase all stored data.The application itself can be downloaded for free from Google Play, but to be able to use it will be necessary to pay a fee of 5 euros per year.So far our compilation of best applications for when you have been robbed or lost the mobile. As always, we now encourage you to leave us your choice in the comments below.Do you have an application installed if your mobile is stolen? Which one?