The latest version of the Samsung Galaxy S8 has at least 10 features not available on competing smartphones.


"The Galaxy S8 is not available in other competing handsets," he said. "There are ten features and advantages in Samsung's new phones that outperform those 10 features on Apple's US phones."
Here are the top ten features of the Galaxy S8, according to the BusinessInside, which specializes in economic and technology news:


the new Samsung phone has an Iris scanner, which can be used to open the device by the owner and access files, which is more sophisticated. Samsung says it is safer than a fingerprint that can be easily forged.


The screen is larger. The 2.8-inch IS8 phones have a screen size of 6.2 inches, both larger than rival phones ranging from 4.7 inches to 5.5 inches.


the Galaxy S8 phones can be wirelessly charged and include the fast charging that users need frequently while roaming.


Earphones can be delivered to the Galaxy S8 via two inputs, one of which is known as normal, and the other is a different second input, so more types of speakers can be used in the market.


the Galaxy S8 has the ability to handle more ATM card withdrawals, which means that Samsung's pay phone is more efficient.


The Galaxy S8 includes a virtual world program supported by Facebook.


The new Samsung phone includes a sensor to monitor the heartbeat of the user, which means that it monitors the health status of the owner all the time.


The S8 can be connected to a keyboard, a mouse and a computer screen, which means that it can be converted to a normal computer at any time.


The Galaxy S8 camera can be used in search, where you can take a picture of a product or a brand and search for it directly online.


The screen "S8" more energy efficient, and include higher accuracy and clarity and colors are cleaner than those available in competing phones.